Gerald Michelant

full stack developper

Mobile View

Gege Raptor

If you need help to develop a website / mobile app or SPA based on Vue.js. Do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to work on real projects. I am ready to evaluate any opportunity that will consolidate the foundations of my expertise .


HTML CCS3 Javascript

live website in production since begining 2017

HTML CCS3 Bootstrap Javascript

website designed for the capstone of web design course delivered by University of Michigan

HTML CCS3 Bootstrap Javascript

Various projects developped during freecodecamp certification

Angular Bootstrap Firebase

ecommerce website developped with Angular and firebase (storage and authentication)

Vue JS Bootstrap Javascript

first project developped with Vue JS framework

Vue JS Bootstrap

VueJS app with PWA capabilities including offline mode

Vue JS Quasar Javascript

VueJS project leveraging Quasar framework

Vue JS Quasar NodeJS MongoDB

Front end in vuesJS deployed on firebase and backend in NodeJS and MongoDB deployed on Google Cloud Compute

Passion for development

Focusing on technologies to build Single page Applications leveraging Progressive Web Applications technologies.

Building expertise on frameworks like angularJS and VueJS for Front-end

Leveraging NodeJS, Express and Mongodb to build robust API for backend

gege Rugby

Rugby Player and President of a rugby school (Club de Rugby des Gaulois)

Certifications :

Coursera logo
  • Web design certificate by University of Michigan, earned on Sept. 15th, 2017
    • Introduction to HTML5 by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 16th, 2017
    • Introduction to CSS3 by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 20th, 2017
    • Interactivity with JavaScript by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 23rd, 2017
    • Advanced Styling with Responsive Design by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 23rd, 2017
    • Web Design Capstone by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on September 15th, 2017
    University Michigan logo
  • Full Stack Web and Multiplatform Mobile App Development by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, earned on October 31st, 2017
    • Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4 by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on Coursera. Certificate earned on September 26th, 2017
    • Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular. Certificate earned on October 11th, 2017
    • Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies: Ionic and Cordova. Certificate earned on October 15th, 2017
    • Multiplatform Mobile App Development with NativeScript. Certificate earned on October 29th, 2017
    • Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB. Certificate earned on October 31st, 2017
    University HK logo
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies by Princeton University
    Princeton university logo
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